Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crafty, well sort of...

Now that I have your attention, make sure to follow my blog :)

The summer season has commenced and for me this means absolutely nothing. Sure I have a tan and am bordering a new ethnicity, but I still must work 5 days a week.
I am blessed to have a job where I can take weekends off though (like I've said before, I didn't know they exist).
And now that I have some open weekends I can do crafts and take mini trips to see my friends (these two topics of trips and crafts do correlate, just follow)

I've been on this DIY kick because I'm broke and it make me feel like i'm actually doing something with my life.
So off to Galveston to hang with friends and collect sea shells, part of my new decor scheme.
While I was there I collected a HUGE bag of shells and wine corks (now i really look like an alcoholic).

I bought a glass vase from Hobby Lobby (50% off of course, never buy anything that isn't on sale from there!)
Painted some of the shells with a light silvery-glitter
and dropped them in the vase.

The second vase is plain and simple, filled it with corks.
-Some of the corks have momentos of some of the places i've visited (countries, restaurants, vineyards, bars)

and the yellow thing, i just had to have.

Ta Da! I need more shells, so this just means another trip to G-town!

Sorry for the bad lighting, the only camera i have is on my iPhone now...
I'm not quite done with everything, but it's a decent start.

I also have a few wine bottles laying around, empty of course.
I want to cut off the necks and make them vases, but until i can find someone to do that, i opted for another design.
I took candlesticks (in fun colors for summer) and stuck them in the mouth of the bottle.
I did have to saw off some of the wax to get it to fit, but if I do decide to light the candles they will melt over the bottle creating a really pretty surface.

I added some marbles for, well there's no reason, i was just too lazy to put them in a bag.

I bought a few other nik naks, but haven't figured out where to put them yet.

Although i've been out of school for 2 years now (wow time has gone by so fast) I still give my self a summer reading list, the best part? I will never be tested over anything that I read from now on!

Marilyn gave me some suggestions and I generally trust her judgement on good reads and that's about it.
I received my books last friday and by Saturday morning was done with the first one.

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back-Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent
I LOVE this book, i don't care if you are a believer or not, this is an awesome read and even though this kid was 4 he stregthened my Faith in God.
Don't try to click to look inside, i copied this image from amazon.

I haven't made time for my other books

Lies that Chelsea Handler Told Me- Chelsea Handler

This is Where I Leave You- Jonathan Tropper

Once I've finished these 3 i'll add another few to the list. My goal is 6 for the summer.

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