Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Well that lasted long...

Everyone who reads this gets a puppy.


A lot has been going on lately with work, life, living situations, etc

In a matter of 2 weeks Morgan, Emily and I have decided to get a 3 bedroom and will be all moved in by my 25th birthday, (yes, there may be many references to my birthday just so you wont forget) September 19. We're staying in the same complex, but will now have a 2 car garage! 
Can't wait to have roommates again, they keep my motivated! Maybe i'll do a fitness competition with Moe :) Maybe...

Work has been non stop, we're in the middle of moving 120 people to one floor that really only accommodates 115, this could get interesting and messy
On top of being a move coordinator, i'm helping put together about 5 events for the company. (one of which was rescheduled so that i could enjoy my bday! JK its all about availability!) 

I did get to go to Montreal, Canada a few weeks back(country #3 for the year, yes i have a list)
Ate lots of cheese and drank lots of wine. The End :)

Everything does seem to be going GRAND, but I have had to do a little learning these past several weeks.
I know this is a BLOG about my life and it's out there for anyone to see, but i realized that TOO much of my life is out there. My Facebook account has been active since 2005, i think and there is just WAY too much about me to share with 1200+ people... I've met a BUNCH of people in my life, but i don't KNOW 1200+ who are worthy enough to know everything about me!
I'm pretty cautious about what i share, but there is still too much on my page. I started deleting pictures and "friends" and then it finally hit me that i'm online WAY too much and I don't like how the most petty things i saw would give me anxiety or just make me angry.
So i deactivated my account for a week. Just one week and it made a difference. I'm still using restrictions and limiting my time online. I'm sure i'll relapse and want to be on ALL the time, but for now i like not caring what's going on :) and may take more breaks from now on to keep reality into perspective.

With all this disconnect from everyone I've learned more about relationships and what I want out of one.
when you care about someone with everything you have, you can't make them love you back. (ouch)
(anyone who is ready for a commitment, needs to realize they deserve the best and shouldn't settle just because it's convenient)
It's hard to accept and you can only move on when you're ready, but it makes it a tad easier when you have such an amazing support system. 
Shout out to my peeps.
I may not be the best person to listen to for relationship advice considering my awesome track record, but based off observations and personal experience i know that life goes on and God has awesome plans for you and me :)

Thanks for reading my EMO post. 
Can't wait for the sh*t show this weekend in Austin with my extended family!!

went to a fashion show that Magen ROCKED! Tatum on the right is a doll too!
T-minus 19 days until my birthday!!! Start sending gifts NOW!

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