Monday, March 28, 2011

Dirty Sanchez

There's no purpose to the title of this post. 

I'm really starting to adjust to the culture here and using public transportation. I just bought my EZlink card so that I can ride the subways and buses without having to dig around in my purse for coins. (which is pointless because i don't know the size and worth of them anyway)

I've been Skyping with my besties, I feel like I haven't even left Hope and Magen, we talk nearly every day!
Add me if you haven't already :ashtondey

This past weekend I got way too drunk with some of my colleagues and woke up feeling like donkey poo on Saturday. Cheryl had reservations for us at Royal China for dim sum, and to be honest I could have stayed in bed all day. But alas, I got my ass up and went out to eat. This place is the cutest thing you've ever seen (maybe not puppies playing in flowers cute, but you get it) It looked like a Tiffany's box!

After lunch Cheryl took me to Vivocity where I caught a tram over to Sentosa Beach. (Please google the PINK DOLPHINS at Sentosa. Kid you not, they are f*cking pink!)

I journeyed down to Tanjong Beach Club and laid out. The view is "eh" because of all the barges in the water, but it's a beach and it made me happy.

Apparently there is a Peacock problem. I personally see no problem in them attacking, it would be the most beautiful thing EVER!

And to my last point, we all know my secrets to staying thin (kidding) but I can generally eat anything but know there are side effects. I should have known that 2 weeks with all of this street food would catch up to me. So today I'm home from work, I'll just leave it at that:)

*Tootles Loves*

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Let's just call these "OBSERVATIONS"

OK, I've been in Singapore for 5 days now
I've also noticed that there are hardly any "full figured people"
I have a Fat Count going, yes that sounds discriminating, but I'll do a White Count too for those who think what I'm doing is bitchy/mean/rude. But when you're in a foreign country you notice this small stuff.

Fat Count: 11 (this includes tourists too)

It's amazing how small everyone is.
I don't know if it's the portion sizes, the consumption of soups/noodles, or the walking but the people are TINY, and they are still on diets! Just more proof on how unhealthy Americans are, granted walking everywhere isn't really an option for us.
I've noticed (heard) there are a lot of Australians too, I guess since they aren't too far from Singapore.

White Count: i'm over this one, too many to count :)

The Indian population is considered a majority here, but the smallest of the 3 Majorities (Chinese, Malays, Indian) They are typically the construction workers, sound familiar?

If you go into a mall, there is always a grocery store inside. Talk about one stop shopping.
If you are interested in purchasing hair dye, your options include Black, Brown/Black/or Reddish/Black.
You will maybe find one box for a dark blond color. Good thing I can't pull off blond or id be screwed.

They don't use the letter "Z" here...Utilise, Specialised, Organisation, Recognise
The letter isn't used enough as it is, why hate on it and neglect it from words it's intended for?!

Singaporeans are a food driven culture, if they see a queue (line) they join it not exactly knowing what they are in for. They assume if so many other people want it, then they will
This practice is brought to the states when you see Asians swarming department stores :)
(I can say this from experience!)

I've already had so many different types of food, I'm having the girls that take me to lunch email me what everything is called because I just let them order for me.
I'll have to make a separate post for just my food experiences here!

EVERYONE smokes here, you can't smoke inside, but when you are walking down the street everyone has a cig lit up.
If you get caught throwing your cig butt down you will be FINED!
(even though I see PLENTY on the streets, it's S$500 for the ticket)

I haven't seen a proper dance off, but considering my surroundings, I'm sure to see some ABDC shit while I'm here.

Please don't take anything that I'm saying as being racist, like I said: these are merely observations.

*Tootles Loves*

Friday, March 18, 2011

"Dumping Noodles"

OK, I'm already working my first day in the office. I've had more to do so far today than the whole 2 weeks in Houston. (not literally, but it feels like it)
My role for the Christening Party is pretty large and I'm excited about that. I'm in charge of the VVIP.s ;)

My flights were "eh" the last leg to Singapore had 3 crying babies all in my section. I would have punched them had I not been so exhausted...I'm kidding I wouldn't punch a baby but I'll shake it.
Window Seat :)

So far there are some different habits I've encountered, at the local lunch spot down the street you place tissue packets on the table to "reserve it." It is normal that people respect the tissues and move on the the next available table. This tactic, however, didn't work for us today and someone walked away with 2 new tissue packet for their table reservations and we were forced to come back to the office to eat.
No problem because it's HOT/HUMID here. Just like a nasty Houston day.
Oh I ate "Dumping Noodles" (obviously misspelled, but tasted delish)

My colleagues are EXTREMELY nice and helpful. We are in the process of unlocking my iPhone so that I can use that instead of the ancient Nokia HR gave me.

I need to learn to upload photos so y'all can better understand my surroundings, they are BEAUTIFUL.

Clarke Quay (Shopping, Dining, and River tours!) 


Temple Door


Sunset on the River!

Marina Bay Sands (this is where the party i'm planning is being held!)
China Town

This is my home for the next 7 weeks!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Show Me Your Meat!

So my lady friends and I went out for some crawfish and beer last night.
I must say, I have some pretty awesome friends.
Magen bought me a cute gold necklace from Austin with a feather on it to remind me of them when ever I wore it.  Not that I need a necklace to do that, but sure, I'm game ;)

As we were digging through 10lbs of semi-small crawfish, Emily became concerned with a possible meat option I may be tricked into eating, DOG.
I told her that DOG was not on my list of things to eat in my life, but this wasn't enough for her. With the most concerned/serious look on her face she said "Ashton, you need to tell them, 'SHOW ME YOUR MEAT.'"
This comment obviously led us down a dirty path...and is now the victim of another entertaining album title.


I also found out last night that I won't be staying in the apartment as planned, but in a nearby hotel for the first 4 weeks :(
Con: NO KITCHEN/No Washer and Dryer  

Check out the site, I have a deluxe suite that within walking distance to work!

Oh, right--> I leave in 12 hours and I still haven't finished packing, uh oh.
Lemme get on that!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Preparing to leave the states~YIKES!

Ok, can't even lie about how scared I am to leave.
I know everything will be fine, I just hate being away from my family and friends for so long.

I'll do my best to keep everyone posted on my travels

I'm hoping to go to Bali while i'm there and unsuspectingly run into Justin Timberlake post break up with Jessica Biel to comfort him and let him know that he would be better off with me anyway.

Tootles my loves!