Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bucket List

I'm finally a quarter of a century old and I must say getting older isn't always fun!
Out for my Bday (late celebration)

But in light of gaining another year, i've decided that there are some pretty important things i need to accomplish either before I die or before kids come along and ruin everything :)

So far this is what I've come up with:

1.Carnival- Rio de Janeiro

2. New Years- New York
3. Mardi Gras- New Orleans
4. Run a half marathon
5. Ride in the MS 150
6. Go on an Alaskan cruise
7. Be in New York for Fashion Week
8. Be in Milan for Fashion Week
9. Go Sky diving
10. Visit the Great Wall of China
11. Celebrate Chinese New Years in China/Singapore
12. Travel to Santorini- Greece

13. Visit Rome
14. Go on a Mission Trip with my church
15. Visit Paris with the love of my life (who ever that may be)

This isn't the end of my list, but just the start of it.

I'm also addicted to Pinterest, sooo I will be blogging on my crafty attempts!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Well that lasted long...

Everyone who reads this gets a puppy.


A lot has been going on lately with work, life, living situations, etc

In a matter of 2 weeks Morgan, Emily and I have decided to get a 3 bedroom and will be all moved in by my 25th birthday, (yes, there may be many references to my birthday just so you wont forget) September 19. We're staying in the same complex, but will now have a 2 car garage! 
Can't wait to have roommates again, they keep my motivated! Maybe i'll do a fitness competition with Moe :) Maybe...

Work has been non stop, we're in the middle of moving 120 people to one floor that really only accommodates 115, this could get interesting and messy
On top of being a move coordinator, i'm helping put together about 5 events for the company. (one of which was rescheduled so that i could enjoy my bday! JK its all about availability!) 

I did get to go to Montreal, Canada a few weeks back(country #3 for the year, yes i have a list)
Ate lots of cheese and drank lots of wine. The End :)

Everything does seem to be going GRAND, but I have had to do a little learning these past several weeks.
I know this is a BLOG about my life and it's out there for anyone to see, but i realized that TOO much of my life is out there. My Facebook account has been active since 2005, i think and there is just WAY too much about me to share with 1200+ people... I've met a BUNCH of people in my life, but i don't KNOW 1200+ who are worthy enough to know everything about me!
I'm pretty cautious about what i share, but there is still too much on my page. I started deleting pictures and "friends" and then it finally hit me that i'm online WAY too much and I don't like how the most petty things i saw would give me anxiety or just make me angry.
So i deactivated my account for a week. Just one week and it made a difference. I'm still using restrictions and limiting my time online. I'm sure i'll relapse and want to be on ALL the time, but for now i like not caring what's going on :) and may take more breaks from now on to keep reality into perspective.

With all this disconnect from everyone I've learned more about relationships and what I want out of one.
when you care about someone with everything you have, you can't make them love you back. (ouch)
(anyone who is ready for a commitment, needs to realize they deserve the best and shouldn't settle just because it's convenient)
It's hard to accept and you can only move on when you're ready, but it makes it a tad easier when you have such an amazing support system. 
Shout out to my peeps.
I may not be the best person to listen to for relationship advice considering my awesome track record, but based off observations and personal experience i know that life goes on and God has awesome plans for you and me :)

Thanks for reading my EMO post. 
Can't wait for the sh*t show this weekend in Austin with my extended family!!

went to a fashion show that Magen ROCKED! Tatum on the right is a doll too!
T-minus 19 days until my birthday!!! Start sending gifts NOW!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crafty, well sort of...

Now that I have your attention, make sure to follow my blog :)

The summer season has commenced and for me this means absolutely nothing. Sure I have a tan and am bordering a new ethnicity, but I still must work 5 days a week.
I am blessed to have a job where I can take weekends off though (like I've said before, I didn't know they exist).
And now that I have some open weekends I can do crafts and take mini trips to see my friends (these two topics of trips and crafts do correlate, just follow)

I've been on this DIY kick because I'm broke and it make me feel like i'm actually doing something with my life.
So off to Galveston to hang with friends and collect sea shells, part of my new decor scheme.
While I was there I collected a HUGE bag of shells and wine corks (now i really look like an alcoholic).

I bought a glass vase from Hobby Lobby (50% off of course, never buy anything that isn't on sale from there!)
Painted some of the shells with a light silvery-glitter
and dropped them in the vase.

The second vase is plain and simple, filled it with corks.
-Some of the corks have momentos of some of the places i've visited (countries, restaurants, vineyards, bars)

and the yellow thing, i just had to have.

Ta Da! I need more shells, so this just means another trip to G-town!

Sorry for the bad lighting, the only camera i have is on my iPhone now...
I'm not quite done with everything, but it's a decent start.

I also have a few wine bottles laying around, empty of course.
I want to cut off the necks and make them vases, but until i can find someone to do that, i opted for another design.
I took candlesticks (in fun colors for summer) and stuck them in the mouth of the bottle.
I did have to saw off some of the wax to get it to fit, but if I do decide to light the candles they will melt over the bottle creating a really pretty surface.

I added some marbles for, well there's no reason, i was just too lazy to put them in a bag.

I bought a few other nik naks, but haven't figured out where to put them yet.

Although i've been out of school for 2 years now (wow time has gone by so fast) I still give my self a summer reading list, the best part? I will never be tested over anything that I read from now on!

Marilyn gave me some suggestions and I generally trust her judgement on good reads and that's about it.
I received my books last friday and by Saturday morning was done with the first one.

Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back-Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent
I LOVE this book, i don't care if you are a believer or not, this is an awesome read and even though this kid was 4 he stregthened my Faith in God.
Don't try to click to look inside, i copied this image from amazon.

I haven't made time for my other books

Lies that Chelsea Handler Told Me- Chelsea Handler

This is Where I Leave You- Jonathan Tropper

Once I've finished these 3 i'll add another few to the list. My goal is 6 for the summer.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wine Corks

First on the Schedule
-Get back to work.
I got back just in the middle of OTC, a huge oil and gas convention held in Houston.
I had never had more work to do in the office here with meetings, dinners, reservations, conferences, and speeches.

Along with all the work stuff i needed to take care of my personal thing like laundry, unpacking (pretty much the same), cleaning, fix my hacked bank account, and go through the HUGE stack of mail waiting for me.
I was exhausted but i couldn't WAIT to see all my friends!

Wednesday night I got to see Magen and the Nuggets

Thursday was spent drinking whiskey? in honor of Cinco de Mayo!

Friday was a hard day at work shopping at the Galleria.

Saturday May 7th was Renee and Jeff's Wedding!!!
- after a morning full of errands, Aaron came over so we could drive to BFE where the wedding was held. I asked him to drive and some how he got out of it and slept the whole way. (which was my intention, that crapper)
We met up with Marilyn, Scriven, and Ryan, drove out to the church couldn't stop laughing at the priest and his toupee then partied hard at the rehearsal with Jessica, Renee, and Jeff.
After the reception we went to Ty's bada** lake house in Willis and continued the party (so much for getting hotel rooms that we didn't stay in)

This boy...
oh, you know
i cherish these girls
Beautiful bride! Love you!

Sunday was mothers day and we spent part of it with Jessica's family then all drove back home. I took my mom to the movies to see Something Borrowed, it sucked.

Next week:
Carissa, Emily P, Emily H, David, and JJ all met me at Wolfies for crawfish and dos xx!
-i needed my crawfish fix!

That Friday the 13th we drove out to Austin for Jamie's Bachelorette Weekend Extravaganza!
We had 6 girls in one room, went to a winery in the hill country (I walked out with 6 bottle, NBD), then kayaking on Town Lake, crappy dinner at Friday's but got to see the millions of bat come out from under Congress bridge, then out to 6th street in our colorful wigs :)
Nik and Caitlin

Why are you dressed like Aliens?
The future Mrs. Sillivent

It never fails that when i'm with these girls, I have a great time. I can't wait for the wedding weekend in 2 weeks! AH it's so close.

Annnnd this weekend, is Blair's graduation dinner/party. 
I swear i'll sleep one day.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I spent 87K on souvenirs

Highlight this past weekend: Bali Indonesia

Highly disappointed, Justin Timberlake didn't show and I could only buy so many bracelets from 4 year olds (which was zero).
We stayed in the heart of Bali tourism, Kuta. Very busy and chaotic, which is, as you know, the exact opposite of me.
I imagined the whole place to be a tropical oasis, however I got the REAL Bali which is still neat.
The hotel was nice but we couldn't stay there since we only had a day and half to explore the island. 
It was nice to bargain with the locals and get deals on already cheap stuff.
Saturday was spa day it lasted 4 hours and cost 450,000 Rupiah :)
which is only $64 USD!!!

such a relaxing experience

ta tas


New friends!

After the spa we rented motorbikes because that is the thing to do in Bali.
The guy who was renting to us more concerned about mom knowing how to drive than me, and truthfully I've never driven a moped, I had a dream once, but that doesn't give you the skill set to drive. 
I strap on my helmet and was OFF, 2 minutes into the ride I was turning a corner into traffic and got a little excited-over accelerated- and crashed into about 6 parked motorbikes. 
Within 3 seconds about 50 locals were over the walls hollering like 7th graders. We picked up the fallen bikes and I was about to dine and dash when I realized some guard took my key and wouldn't give it back.
pictures don't show all the bruising, I either look hardcore or like i'm in an abusive relationship with a small person with long nails.
We sat there and bitched about a tiny scratched on a STICKER and the kid told me I owed him 100,000 Rupiah, I refused to pay that much and got away with only 50K ($10).

With dirty cuts and I'm sure HIV all over my legs, we headed to Seminyak Beach. Set up shop at Ku De Ta lounge and got our tan on. 

On the way back home, some jerk off side swiped me and once again i dropped my bike in the middle of an intersection and the mirror broke off. COOL
-the insurance is $200 USD but the guy let me off with only $60 because I'm adorable :)

Went back to Seminyak to drink away the anxiety, then hopped on the plane at 6AM on Easter Sunday. Learned a lot about Bali, will probably only go back if a travel agent plans my whole stay in a secluded area. All in all, a good first experience.

Once we got back and rested for a bit, my Chairman picked up me and my mom in his Bentley and checked us in to the Marina Bay Sands.
-which seemed like a first for him since he never drives himself, I felt VERY honored
This room is way nicer than the last one and we have a city view
best tub ever
i think this is the size of my apt...
I'm in the middle tower
Light show comes on every night!

Last Week of Work:
Being at MBS hotel makes me feel like a high roller, things are starting to get easier at work and things at home are working out in my favor (so grateful for my friends and their flexible schedules)
I'm so ready to be home, moving from hotel to hotel sounds cool for a rock star, but I miss my apt. 
I think I'll buy a new couch tomorrow...

My boss treated my mom and I to dinner at his restaurant Lucas.
The food was delicious!!!

Best thing i've every put in my mouth (bring on the jokes)

Klapson's Hotel

*Tootles Loves*

see you in 6 days!

I make adult braces look GOOD

so where did i last leave off?
I'm been incredibly busy learning the contracts for my position and I've been warned that if i don't learn them by this Friday that I can't come home.
-Don't worry i'll pay off the lady who is giving my evaluation to my boss.

Back track a bit:
2 weekends ago Mom and I went to the Jurong Bird Park and the Night Safari.

The bird park made me happy because of the sweet ass birds, they sang, stole money, gave back the money, and ruffled their cute little feathers.
Note: Watching the movie RIO will make you want a bird and then it will make you want to travel with that bird to Brazil. 
Natalie Portman, I LOVE YOUR WORK!

Discretely opening my bag to steal this bird.

He was mackin on a lady peacock, too bad he's a hot mess.

Sharing some lunch with the Pelis

Could have stolen this one too...but it probably would have cussed me out

After the bird park we took a bus to the world's only Night Safari
-It was everything a tourist could only half-care to see. But we did it anyway...
The animals were asleep and you could shine a flashlight in there direction to find them.
The 2 best parts where:
1) The crazy fire breathing dudes that almost shot us with several arrow things, God Bless their impeccable aim.
2) a bat pooped on mom's head and another attempted to pee on us. *sarcastic excitement*
Tram ride

HEY, someone's in here!

snake wrangler

Clearly on safari with my Z

sweet smell of kerosene

It still was a great day though.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

MYTH: Peeing on a Jelly Fish burn helps with the pain

can finally take some time to update on my travels.

As you all know I came to Singapore to train in Marketing as well as help with the huge-o party celebrating the completion of the FPSO LEWEK EMAS.
I've been working long hours to make sure everything went off without a hitch.
The day event was HOT but everything still went great. We had about 400 turn out.

When i got back to the office I had nothing else to take care of, so I checked into the "changing room" at MBS to start getting ready. Since I needed a nap and had time to kill i decided to make my way up to the sky pool. 
Level 57 has a bar and, pools, and hot tubs over looking the entire city. It was absolutely stunning!

The dinner was held at the hotel's convention center across the street.
Thank God i found a dress to wear the night before at 9:30PM or else id be wearing my Sperry's and some boy shorts...
I was glad to get dressed up and have my make up stay on and not melt off within 5 mins of being outside.
Great dinner, lots of alky, oh and my team (Dom, Wayne, Guy's name i keep forgetting, and myself) won a beer drinking contest. NBD, i made my company proud, thank you TX State for the skill set.
Secretaries and Marketing Ladies

CJ Cheryl and Dom

The last ones standing

Lionel and his Secretaries then Dom

These girls are AWESOME!
Sarah, Jasmine, Barbara, and Cheryl
During registration i made eye contact with this cutie heading to a black tie event and made it my goal to see him again. Toward the end the party was leaving and as soon as i stepped out of our ballroom i saw him! I tried to catch up to chat but they were moving too fast. I did, however, acquire a balloon from some Canadians in Dream Boys group. 
Later on, i went down stairs to take a friend to her ride and saw a GLORIOUS giant balloon. 
I acquired that one as well :)
After there was puke on the floor, we knew it was time to leave the ballroom. Some colleagues and I went back to my room and I journey by myself to the Sky bar on the 57th floor. As soon as I got off the elevator a drunk lady thrust a balloon in my face and said "here you need this." As I approached the door to the bar they told me there was a cover charge, but I held up my balloon and said I was with that party and followed my drunk lady friend into the bar :)

Made some friends at the bar, then realized it was already 3 and I needed to get some rest before my mom came knocking on the door at 7AM.

Mom came in, I was still a little tipsy so I went straight back to sleep while she went and explored the hotel. 

We checked out, grabbed some lunch in China Town, then headed to the Klapsons to meet Lionel so he could show mom some of their AMAZING rooms!
(I'll try to get pictures)

we were both lagging a bit, for different reasons of course, and headed back to my regular hotel to rest. I went ahead with Adrian (my bosses younger brother) to wakeboard in Ponggol.

Everyone got about 3-5 sets in and it was my turn. I suck at wake boarding and will never claim to be good, but as I was going up for my 3rd set i hit a jelly fish with my hand. 
It only stung my pointer finger (actually the same one Dani's snake bit) but i started freaking out. Everyone in the boat was yelling DON'T MOVE! I was SOO scared. but they pulled me up and iced my finger. 
What are the odds, seriously?! That sh*t hurts!
I'm lucky that it only got my finger, because when you move the current pulls it closer in and this sucker was LONG!
I can't image this pain all over my body.