...and i like it!
Observations: about 93% of the population owns an iPhone 4 and i would like to see the hypothetical trash can that is holding all the 3Gs after the upgrade.
Fat Count: 17
Things I will do when I get home:
Eat Mexican Food (as unhealthy as it is my body can actually digest it)
Take a hot shower for more than 8.5 mins
Watch my shows the day they air so that Facebook can't ruin the endings for me.
Drink a Dr. Pepper
Eat Flaming Hot Cheetos (this is an option for now)
Use a real hair dryer (looks like a vacuum)
DO MY OWN LAUNDRY (of course I'm not OK with other people washing my unmentionables)
Sign up for hot yoga --->talk about a detox
Hug my nuggets Mila and Maddie!
Have a/24 Dos XX with LEMON with Ali
Snuggle With Kassie
Have a/24 Dos XX with LEMON with Ali
Snuggle With Kassie
more to come...
This sign says:
"No Smoking
No Eating & Drinking
No Cutting of Nails
No Digging of Nose"

This totally made me want to pick my nose, SO I DID. Take that cab driver.
I'm glad to see you like hot yoga Ashton!! I just absolutely love it. I will be trying Bikram for the first time in a couple weeks. Enjoy your time in Singapore!